Preparing for your newborn session | Portsmouth, NH Newborn Photographer
“Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in our hearts.”
Tips for a successful newborn session
I'm sure anyone would agree that welcoming a new baby into the world is by far the most special day in ones life. From the moment you hear, see and smell your sweet child your world is forever changed. It is no secret I LOVE newborns!!!!! One of my greatest joys is creating beautiful images of a baby just days old. Photographing newborns can be challenging and I thought it would be a great idea to create a blog post to help parents prepare for a successful newborn session.
Here we go!
When to book your newborn session:
The answer to this is it is never too early to book a newborn session! Most people book 2 to 3 months before their due date. Unless you are having a c-section it is highly unlikely your baby will arrive as planned, but it gives me a rough idea of when to expect a call. I ask for a text, call or email as soon as the baby arrives so I can get you onto the calendar before the baby reaches 14 days old.
Baby is here!!
I can’t stress how important it is to capture these images within the first two weeks of life. I like to wait and give the baby a week or so to get settled and find that it is best to photograph newborns between 7 and 12 days old. This allows enough time for breastfeeding Mom’s to have their milk fully in and try avoid the cluster feeding stage. It also is great to develop a little bit of a feeding & sleeping routine. Once a baby passes the 14 day mark it is extremely difficult to move them into those cute little poses we all love while they remain sleeping. The older they are the more alert they are which is never good when the goal is to have a sleeping baby. As the 14 day mark approaches most newborns develop baby acne which produces major post production problems. Those creamy skin tones and natural baby glow now start to look unnatural. I prefer to avoid it at all costs.
What to expect during your newborn session:
If you are planning on a typical posed newborn session you will be coming to my natural light studio here in Kittery. I do offer lifestyle newborn sessions in the comfort of your own home, but keep in mind I will bring a limited number of props as it is more about the family connection. When you arrive at my studio the first thing you will notice is it will be very warm! I like to keep the studio at about 80 degrees to ensure your little one stays nice and toasty. It is always a good idea to dress in light layers to avoid overheating. A newborn session typically takes 2 to 3 hours so plan on bringing a book & snacks or even feel free to take a little snooze on the couch. Don’t worry, your baby is in good hands.
More than 50% of the session will be spent cuddling and feeding your baby so no worries if you find an hour has passed and I have not taken a single photo. Each baby is so different and so is each newborn session. I have had sessions when the baby slept the entire time and others when the baby has cried and nursed for the majority of the session. Either way I have seen it all as well as been pooped or peed on by 99% of babies. A little poop or pee never bothered me!
The morning of the session:
If at all possible try to keep your baby awake 90 minutes prior to the session. This is easiest done if you plan to feed your baby 3 to 4 hours before the newborn session so they will be awake and hungry before your leave your home. It is best to feed baby right before you leave for the studio so there is plenty of time to get burps out and change a diaper right before the session starts.
Tips before the newborn session:
1. Nursing? Avoid spicy foods at least 24 hours before the session.
2. Schedule shots or immunizations the week (or at least 48 hours) prior to your session.
3. If you use a pacifier bring it with you, but don’t use it prior to the session.
4. If you plan to be in pictures make sure all family members coordinate outfits. No need to match, but all colors should blend nicely together. I suggest light colors or neutrals.
5. Try to plan a feeding three to four hours before the photo shoot so the next feeding will be right before the session starts. A full & sleepy baby is always happiest.
What should I bring to my newborn session:
I have spent years collecting cute little props and delicate hats and headband for newborn photo shoots so no need to bring a thing. However if you have something special like a hand knit blanket made by Grandma or a cute little stuffed animal given to you by someone special than by all means bring it. I will figure a way to work it into your session.
What to bring from home:
A newborn session can take up to 3 hours so a “newborn session kit” is a great idea. Here are some items to include:
Your special blanket, wrap or props.
Snacks & drinks for Mom & Dad
Extra milk or formula
Diapers & wipes
How should I dress my baby:
It is best to dress your newborn in a loose fitting diaper to avoid those red marks on a baby’s bum. I also suggest dressing baby in something very easy to get off and on so I do not have to disturb them too much to take off clothing. Anything with buttons or zippers are usually nice and easy.
When I arrive to my newborn session:
After introductions please make your self comfortable and feed your baby if you have not already done so before you left home. If baby is wide awake and happy when you arrive it is best to start with family photos first and then move into newborn photos. If you have other children you would like photographed with your baby it is best if they come either at the beginning of the session or the end. Whatever works for your schedule is fine with me. This way you do not have to plan on keeping your other children at the studio for the duration of the photo shoot. As much as I love kids, trust me, that would be no fun for anyone. I like to keep a very relaxed atmosphere and little ones just want to play and have fun. I usually suggest for Mom & Dad come in two cars for this reason.
It’s time to relax:
Newborn sessions are relaxed to keep baby calm, happy and safe. Your baby sets the pace with plenty of time for quieting, soothing, diaper changes, feeding & cuddling. I really enjoy the time snuggling wih your baby and rocking them to sleep. As a mom I know how hard it is to not be right next to your new baby especially if they are crying. Rest assured I will take the best care of your little one while they’re in my arms. Xo
For tips and expert advice on newborns please visit .